traditional house setting, and cool
our homestay program targets visitors allover the world, we are locatted a long lake victoria basin.
House Rules
The guests will work for hand in hand with the assigned trusted community member The guests will have time to venture into all the areas of their choice, together with a community members The gusts should observe the timing for breakfast, lunch, and dinner I am married to one wife and blessed with three loving children namely Silvia, Tracy Nevine o and gift randy. I also have my biological mother, aged 67 years as of now, and other brothers and sisters too. I have a semi-permanent house, three rooms, two bedrooms, and a sitting room. The following are the foods we cook; fish directly from lake victoria, vegetables both local, chapatis, green grams, ugali, rice, meat, among other foods. My job is community work, currently, I do voluntary work in the community through the Green shade Kenya disability organization, where I closely work with the disabled, orphans, and widows in the community. The pets we have with us are friendly Dogs, Cats. My interests are meeting friends and idea-sharing, my hobbies are storytelling, visiting the vulnerable, swimming, and watching football. The house rules are not that tough sinnce the visitors will coup up with them. in our community, we normally use motorbikes, mountain bicycles, vehicles, and wooden engine boats as means of local transport. Also in our community, we have the following social amenities available Health Centres, schools, churches, Hotels. we have retail shops within us where we buy food items. Finally, we have a number of tourist attraction sites like; The Abasuba Peace Museum, kwitone Rock Art, we have Atego, Mombasa, and kwitutu among others. Our Home is next to the lakeshore, and we are neighbouring some homes. mfangano is has hills.