nice family
We are a family we have recently established a comfortable apartment that has a kitchenette room i spacious dining to dispocicion are two available room has wifi and is well lit, have a closet. As for the area we are 15m city center condo is super safe having cameras vijilancia and constant monitoring of public safety, the neighbors are nice and so friendly the vecinadario is quiet and has a park for realisar sports like basketball and football, our desire is to offer during your stay warmth of home, family affection and share our culture.
House Rules
Keep up the good ways of mutual respect Do not bring strangers without notice and get home at proper times or at least alert for any emergency.
Local Amenities
Es una habitación simple cómoda para persona sola, agradable iluminada, su armario, un sillón cómodo y su servicio a Internet
Es una habitación que cuenta con una cama cómoda, con ropero un velador una silla y es totalmente agradable y amplia