Learn Spanish in Patagonia
I live in a cozy home in the city centre of Esquel, a peaceful and picturesque Patagonian small city. The city has a strategic location since nearby you can cross the border to Chile to visit the sea or do some rafting, you can go trekking, camping and kayaking to Los Alerces national park, you can go climbing in the dry Patagonian stepe, you can do snow sports in the city's ski center or you can simple go for a short walk to the mountains and lakes surrounding Esquel. I'm a creative and motivating English and Spanish teacher who loves cooking, boardgames, trekking, snowboarding and kayaking. I'm a teacher and tour guide all into one.
House Rules
I live alone so the house is quite peaceful and clean... and I would like it to stay that way. I want guests to feel like home, being respectful of others. I plan to be in charge of general chores, but I want guests to take care of their personal needs like doing their laundry and cleaning their mess after cooking.