M ª José lives in the center of Elche, a small and quiet with their children Leon, 17, 12 and Angelo Elvis our pet, a puppy small town. We are a very peaceful and loving family. We live in a building of 12 neighbors in a planta.Nuestra 4th house is very large, modern and cozy, has 4 large bedrooms, an office with computer study, two bathrooms with shower, a spacious lounge and kitchen enorme.Nuestra housing gives everything to the outside so it is very light and airy. M ª José works in an office close to home, is administering contable.Tiene a schedule of morning, afternoon enjoying his family. M ª José is a mistress of the kitchen, my free time is devoted to creating real good dishes, I have two children who love to eat. We like to read, go to movies and pasear.León and Angelo are good students.Leon's hobbies is studying to take care model and Angelo loves people, is very sociable and record songs Rap and loves reading, especially comics. Our property is located in the heart of the city, has everything within reach ... bus, train, university, etc.
House Rules
The first and foremost is the standard orden.En house general cleaning is done once a week, must be clean and ordenada.Cada manterla man his room is kept organized and orderly. Lunch and dinner always together, it's time to know that this table has collected todo.La together. Home balcony fuma.Tenemos not and when someone wants to smoke can do there. It is absolutely forbidden the creation of events at home and no invitation is allowed unknown home.
Local Amenities
Room with king bed, cupboard and exterior views. With television.