
Manizales the best of traditions, history and local life

2:30 hours

I'm Diego, I'm a teacher, I love to share my city, I love music, art and history. I speak english and spanish and I love to make new friends


We will meet under the Torre del cable


We will get to know about the local life of our city, we will meet in El Cable sector, the entertainment center of the city, there we will take a public transport bus to experience a little of the daily life of the Manizaleños in order to reach the downtown.

At downtown, we will walk the main streets of old Manizales, through the historical buildings we will learn about the history of how the city was founded and how it grew, forming its identity and idiosyncrasy.

We will visit some of the most beautiful and old churches in the city, but we will also experience the daily life of people, traditional shops and street sales.

We will end our visit by going up to the Chipre neighborhood, a traditional neighborhood located at the top of the city, a place where we Manizaleños go up to enjoy the beautiful view of the Colombian mountains and eat some snacks.

P.D. We will speak in English or Spanish depending on what is best for you.

Bienvenidos a Manizales!

Tour Map