
Free James Town British Accra Tours

2:30 hours

Emmanuel is my name and I was born and bred in James Town British Accra. I have been practicing as a professional Tour Guide for almost thirteen years and still operating as a professional guide. I like leading tourist through my community full history, l like reading and I also like teaching little children how to read and write good English.


I will be right in front of James Town Cafe and always decently dress.


Visit to Ga Community in Old Accra:The history and culture of the local Ga tribes and community who were the original owners of the current new capital City Of Accra-Ga Mashi known as Old Accra accompanied by myself a local guide. You will get the right in between the houses and the people. Been able to meet, chat and taste their local foods. James Town Area known as British Accra, You will see the lighthouse which happens to be the first lighthouse built during the gold Coast era, You will see the British fort called James Fort name after their governor called governor James, You will see the residence of governor James, You will have the chance to visit the slave houses we have in James Town British Accra, You will also see the slave tunnels we have in James Town, we will be visiting the two chief palace in James Town and lastly we will have the chance to visit James Town fishing Village to learn how fishing is done in James Town and how fish is smoke in James Town before taken it to the market and sell. Ussher Town Area known Dutch Accra, You will see the Dutch fort called Ussher fort, You will also the slave market called Salaga market, You will also see the Brazil house which happens to be a home of Afro Brazilian and also you will have the chance to see Bukom community with high density of people going up and down. On this note I invite you all to come and experience my community and you will love it. 
Please Ussher fort the entrance fees is GHC80 but optional so I will explain to the walker if he/she is interested or not. 
Please James Fort also the entrance fees is GHC50 but that one too is optimal so I will explain to the walker if he/she is interested or not. 

Tour Map