
Bologna revealed by a true Bolognese

2:30 hours

Maurizio Rossi was born in Bologna in 1969. He is a jurist, writes about travel for Italian and foreign magazines and newspapers, is a guide in Emilia Romagna, travel consultant and travel and expedition planner. Specializing in International and Islamic Law at the University of Nanterre (Paris X), he obtained a master's degree in Diplomacy (Contemporary History and International Relations) from the University of Bologna. He is an expert in Italian art and culture, the history of travel and the ethnography of the Mediterranean basin and the Middle East. In 1997 he founded Azalai, a cultural association whose main objective is to spread a "Travel Culture" that respects humanity everywhere on the planet. He has visited over 150 countries on foot, by bike, by train, by car and off-road vehicle, and in at least 90 of these countries he has traveled as a tour leader. He lived abroad for about 16 years, in France, Egypt, Pakistan, Bangladesh, Morocco, the United States, learning to speak and write fluently about ten languages


At the Neptune Fountain near the steps of Palazzo Re Enzo, I have a gray beret and a driving license around my neck


Bologna is unique: on tour with Maurizio you will understand why its University is not really the oldest, but it is different from all the others, why the stock market was born here and why in the Middle Ages this place was at the center of the world economy.

Because only here for centuries has there existed a secular Basilica, dedicated to a lay saint for a lay people. Bologna is the cradle of secularism, despite having been part of the State of the Church for centuries. This is why he made the magical word LIBERTAS his motto.

With Maurizio you will discover the PORTICOS, and their reason for existing, THE ARCHIGINNASIO and its student coats of arms, one of the oldest still active MARKETS in Europe, the JAZZ street, the JEWISH GHETTO and the SANCTA JERUSALEM BONONIENSIS, as well as the TOWERS and HIDDEN CHANNELS.

And you will finally understand why we eat so much and well here. With Maurizio BOLOGNA you will not forget it. Never again.
And you will want to come back

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