
Soviet Riga Free Tour

2:00 hours
Riga Free Tour

Running free tours, bike tours in Riga for over 10 years. We have been making Free Tours to show the city of Riga in a different light. Our approach to guiding is more relaxed than other tours and we try to entertain as well as be informative. Our team is really mixed, we have historians, artists, geographers, actors, a real mixed bag of people. Our aim is to keep developing and learning to give a new perspective on the city for residents and visitors alike.


Meet at the statue of the Latvian Riflemen.


Soviet Riga Free Tour - Discover the lives of the people who lived under Soviet occupation on a tour that will lead you away from the Old city of Riga and into the city centre. 

We uncover the past through the memories of the people who lived in Riga during the occupation. Visiting note worthy sites and locations that we bring to life through first hand accounts from the Soviet era.

Learn how Latvians struggled to gain their independence and the challenges they faced whilst under authoritarian rule.

 Are we a dog friendly walking tour? Yes we are! 

Tour Map