
Alternative Bucharest Tour

3:30 hours

Hi, I'm Vali and I'm in love with Street Art in general and stickers in particular. I studied Food Engineering, but I do tour guiding for 3 years in my free time and I love it!


We meet in the Revolution Square in front of the Memorial of Rebirth. I will always have with me a clipboard with ,,Alternative Bucharest'' stickers.


In this of the beaten path tour of Bucharest you will be guided by a very passionate Street Art enthusiast that knows very well the scene and created the Alternative Bucharest Tour to share his knowledge with both locals and tourists. The tour is not related to big companies or agencies.

Learn the history of graffiti and Street Art in Bucharest, see what it feels like to combine art with vandalism, do a little treasure hunt, discover all forms of Street Art present in Bucharest, and visit a location full of graffiti and Street Art only accessible with the tour.
Start the tour by learning the history of graffiti and Street Art in Bucharest and of the main landmarks of our starting point.
See Special forms of Street Art like installations, stickers, and paste-ups, besides the usual graffiti and murals.
So a little treasure hunt to raise your awareness about public art.
Do a mid-tour break at a local Cultural Hub/Summer Garden.
End the tour in a location full of graffiti and Street Art only accessible with the tour.

Tour Map