Bologna, how beautiful you are under the Portici!
Hello! I am a certified tour guide and I love to propose original itineraries to discover the city with new eyes. I was born in Cagliari, Sardinia, and there I earned my first degree in Literature with a specialization in History of Art. I moved to Bologna 15 years ago and took another degree at DAMS (Theater, Music and Multimedia Production). I love sport and wellness (I am also a personal trainer with a degree in sports science), I think the best way to face the days is to smile at life and take a nice walk! My tours are a mix of classic and unusual ranging from famous squares to lesser known but beautiful places. In the winter I work in Bologna and in the summer you find me in Cagliari. I wait for you to discover the wonders of these beautiful cities!
I'll be at the Neptune fountain, you'll recognize me by my badge and a colored pinwheel
Bologna is called the Red, the Learned, the Fat…but above all, Bologna is the city of porticoes.
Since the Middle Ages, these structures, first made of wood and then of masonry, have characterised the urban evolution of the city.
Present from the 11th century until today, they are a private space but open and public at the same time.
About 45km of porticos just inside the city walls and about 60km in total, make Bologna the city with the most porticos in the world.
Bologna is officially the "City of Porticoes" with the nomination of UNESCO World Heritage , arrived on July 28, 2021, directly from Fuzhou in China. The inscription constitutes a new recognition by UNESCO for the city of Bologna which, in 2006, was declared Creative City of Music .
In this tour, we will walk together to admire the most significant examples of Bolognese porticoes.
Where we will go:
- Neptune Square
- Porticoes of the Palazzo del Podestà
- Porticoes of the Town Hall
- Archiginnasio porticoes
- Main Square
Arcades on Farini Street
- Arcades of via Ugo Bassi
- Porticoes of Galliera Street
- Porticoes on Independence Street