Old Town's mysteries, legends and superstitions
We are While in Bucharest, a group of certified tourism guides living in Bucharest, with a deep love for our beautiful city and its stories. We like sharing these stories, and we like to see how happy people are, when they discover this beautiful, complicated and interesting city.
In front of Saint Anton's Church and the Old Palace of Dracula (Palatul Voievodal Curtea Veche), in the Old Town of Bucharest. I will have a big visible logo saying `While in Bucharest Walking Tours`. Also, a big hat, the church behind me, and some ruins to my left side.
Dracula. A labyrinth of interconnected tunnels underneath the city. Ghost stories. Plenty of skeletons hidden in plain sight. The plague. A very amorous prince. Kinky prostitutes. A king with a taste for the occult. The eternal horrible life of orphans. Crazy Balkan superstitions. All enriched with loads of historical information, fun facts and interesting observations, that will ensure you a great time during this tour. If you're bored of the same tour of city center you probably had in any foreign city you've been to, than try this tour. We assure you we're going to say the stories that will stick with you.
Our guides put a lot of effort into making this tour as great as it is. The recommended tip for their effort is 20 euros/person.
The tour starts from Mo day to Friday at 10.00 and 13.30 (1.30 pm).
Contact us on WhatsApp , using this phone number +4072316496, to receive a free PDF with useful information about Bucharest (where and what to eat, where to walk, what to visit etc.).