Meenakshi Temple and Hall of Thousand Pillars Walking Tour-Two Hours (Tour Starting time is Customizable)
Hello! My name is Dhanabalan and I have been a tour guide in Madurai for the last 11 years. I am especially passionate about the history of Madurai and the different walks of life in this city where I was born and raised. I also enjoy meeting and learning from the people I meet while guiding. I pride myself on offering interesting and informative tours to my clients, and I really look forward to showing you around the city. Don't hesitate to contact us if you want to customize any tour. Please just ask, and together we can create the perfect trip for you with combination of places in Madurai.
SPS TIFFINS, (Near South Entrance of Meenakshi Temple) S Chitrai St, Valaiyal Kadai, Madurai Main, Madurai, Tamil Nadu 625001 Map :
The city has been described as the 'lotus shaped' city in one of the Tamil literatures. Since immemorial times, Madurai has been a well planned city in terms of construction of roads and buildings. Meenakshi Amman temple is the centre point for the formation of all the roads. The Meenakshi Amman temple is one of the largest in India. Something is always happening here – ceremonies, musicians playing, weddings, prostrating pilgrims, festivals – making it a compelling place to spend time and enjoy temple life. The temple is the geographic and ritual centre of the ancient city of Madurai and divided into a number of concentric quadrangular enclosures contained by high masonry walls. It is one of the few temples in Tamil Nadu to have four entrances facing four directions. This temple has four towers each intricately decorated with thousands of colored figures.There are eight more towers and a hall with a thousand decorated pillars.
What to remember :
- A dress code is required to enter places of worship
- No shorts or sleeveless tops allowed.
- Knees and shoulders MUST be covered for both men and women.
- Guests may not be allowed to enter if you fail to comply with these dress requirement.
- All kind of electronic items are not permitted to carry into the temple.
- Tour Starting time is customizable. We could start the tour between 7 am to 9.30 am , if the guests not able to come at 7.15 am .
- Entrance fee at the Temple
- Tipping for the Guide
Promotional Video ( Courtesy : Tamilnadu Tourism )
Any Questions/Assistance:
Please fill this form and send to us and I will reply within Four Hours!
Thank you!